About the Author

I was really born in California at 12:01 am on December 10,1990. My mother’s name is Maria and my grandmother’s name is also Maria just follow here. I do believe in reincarnation. My father’s name is Arnulfo Maldonado. They are both from a Mexican state name Michoacan.

In the 1300’s there was a King by the name Tariacuri that was ruled over Michoacan state. I believed I’m that reincarnation of him follow me, mom grandmother named Maria two names the same born 2/10, you take the 2 from both the names and the 2 from birthdate and multiply it and you get 20.

T is the 20th letter of the alphabet there for T 20 aria from Marias and my dad’s name Arnulfo Maldonado – AM 13 13 Mexican religion California Maria 12+1=13 its stuff like that that telekinesis seem too easy to explain and a bit too real.

Thank you!